Friday, January 29, 2010

Such a Gem

You know, there's those cute little kids that have the perfect hair with the cute barrettes and the perfectly kept clothes that always just look like such sweet children?...

And then there's my sweet Taya...

Who eats markers.

And thinks it's funny.

"I swear I'll never do it again, Mom." ...

"And what's this?" You ask ...
Three bitten off marker tops.

Thanks Taya.


Jami said...

She is so funny. Who would think to eat markers, let alone for long enough to turn your face that blue? A taste, I can understand, but she was clearly chowing down for a while.

Rebecca said...

Taya Taya Taya...give your Mom a break! There is no explaining the things kids do...but Im glad you shared the moment :)

Jenna said...

I think I love her even more for this. It looks like she went through a whole box! Poison control anyone?

Krista said...

At least she put them back on the easel. she didn't swallow them. I always love to tune into your blogs for a good laugh. You household is never boring.