Saturday, September 13, 2008

Squinty Eyes

The other day Taya was making faces at me all day- we sat at the dinner table going back and forth and it was absolutely hilarious. She'd make a face and then laugh and do it again, then laugh, over and over. She did it again a while later and I got a little bit of it on tape...


Jami said...

That was way cute, I can't wait to see her tomorrow. And you too.

Jenna said...

That reminds me of the youtube evil eye cute! I love it when she learns new tricks.

Shea Smith said...

What a cutie! Taya is always doing the cutest things. I love it!! When are you coming home? London misses taya...and I miss hanging out.
PS where are you at in Midnight Sun?

Poelmans said...

I LOVE that! She is so beautiful. I loved getting to hang w/ her for a bit in August.

Katherine said...

Ha ha, I think she's showing signs of inheriting her Dad's talent for making funny faces! Better watch out or she might start quoting the ladies' man!