Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ready or Not...

The doctor scheduled my c-section for next Thursday, October 22nd!! We're so excited, me especially not to be pregnant anymore! I've forgotten what it's like not to have a belly and I can't wait to wear normal clothes again. Taya always sits on my lap and tries to scoot back but can't! It's actually pretty funny.

I've been super busy lately trying to get ready for this baby. Cleaning, sewing, painting ... you name it! Haven't done anything too exciting though, I'm trying to get up the energy to take Taya to do something Halloweeny :) , but haven't gotten quite there yet!

I'll try and post a few pictures of Taya and some projects I've been working on before the baby comes. I've been such a slacker with my blog lately! (sorry)


Enriquez Family said...

Good luck how fun!

Ryan + Jess said...

You are so close!! How exciting. I'll be thinking of you!!

dixie said...

I can't believe it is so close. Good luck with everything! When is your mom coming? I'll have to come visit and bring food after the baby is born...

Amy S said...

Good luck! I hope everything goes well!

Krista said...

So exciting. I can't believe it's actually time for this little guy to come. Wow, that went fast. HA HA.