Friday, August 1, 2008

Pictures Pictures Pictures

It's been a while since I've posted pictures, so here's a bunch from the last week. Taya's doing new things all the time and keeps me entertained all day! Here's a few of the new cute things she's been doing...

This book has a picture of a different baby on every page and she always makes sure to kiss all the babies on each page... so cute :)
She started doing this a few days ago and now LOVES it :) ...

She's even getting good at no hands! (By the way, this is the dress she was wearing when I forgot to put a diaper on her... anyone could've made that mistake, it covers her whole bum! I think mostly I'm just trying to make myself feel a little better!)

We've been lucky to have my sisters here for the last month and Taya's become new best friends with their puppies, Mia and Walter.
Taya even loves to give Walter kisses :) Yes, she's very giving with her kisses, we'll have to work on that before she gets older! She chases after him most of the day with her mouth wide open... and sometimes he even licks the food off her tongue. Disgusting, we know. Sorry Taya.


Krista said...

Silly Taya. I wonder if she remembers Marley and Gunther? Now I would be grossed out if she started kissing those dogs. I love these pics. This head stunt on the floor is hilarious. I wish we knew what she was thinking when she does that. So funny. Sweet little girl. Can't wait to see some of you next week.

Shea Smith said...

Cute Tay! The no hands thing is so funny. I can't believe it doesn't hurt her head and neck.haha What a cutie!

Rebecca said...

Shes becoming such a little tow head! She reminds me of Cameron when he was little (ok, young). His little blond head could be seen darting up and down the street, in and out of the house etc. Baby antics are so fun to watch, Im so happy you're enjoying them! I cannot wait until you're all home again so we can see them in action too :)

Jenn said...

Ah she is too precious! I miss you!!

Jenna said...

Aw I miss her already! I'm so glad I'll get to see you both next week!

Amy S said...

Hey Ash-
I found your blog through Nicole's. Taya is so stinkin cute! I had a baby a month ago. It was a crazy labor/delivery but has been so fun since. I hope you are doing good. Drop me a line or check out my blog!

Amy S said...

Email me ( so we can catch up!

Kristan Carter said...

Taya is growing up so much. And getting so cute. Can't wait till you guys are back. When do you come back?